Meet Jason Sharif
Who is Jason Sharif
In October 2022, Sharif was a candidate for appointment to the Memphis-Shelby County Schools Board seat for District 7. While he did not receive the appointment at that time, Sharif has remained steadfast in advocating for school-aged youth and families across the city.
Community Partner
He has partnered with agencies like:
HEAL 901
901 Bloc Squad
Memphis Allies
Youth of Westwood
Freedom From Unnecessary Negatives (F.F.U.N)
Whitehaven Empowerment Zone PTO
Power Center CDC
Heal The Hood Foundation
Code For America
Shelby County Youth and Education Nonprofit Sub Committee
Community Collaborator
As part of the Whitehaven Empowerment Zone Leadership Council Sharif collaborates with the leadership of the 5 Whitehaven schools (Havenview Middle School, Holmes Road Elementary, Oakshire Elementary,, Robert R Church Elementary, and A Maceo Walker Middle School) placed under the leadership of Whitehaven Principal Dr. Vincent Hunter to develop solutions to prevent them from being taken over by the state.
Sharif recently collaborated with the Shelby County Youth and education Nonprofit Subcommittee on the Youth Participatory Action Research Project. A project to find better ways Shelby County can connect opportunity youth ages 16 to 24 to employment and educational opportunities.. Sharif has also collaborated with Agape Child and Family Services to take community stakeholders on a learning journey of Whitehaven. .
Sharif works with the City of Memphis, Main Street America, Living Cities, and the Truist Foundation on the Breaking Barriers to Business Initiative address challenges faced by Black Business Owners in Whitehaven.
Community Connector
Sharif connects youth to housing, employment and other social services through his partnership with United Way Drive The Dream. ,
Sharif collaborates with faith based organizations such as Memphis Inter-Faith Coalition of Action and Hope, Concerned Pastors of Whitehaven, Westwood and Walker Homes. the Nation of Islam, and the Memphis Dawah Association address socioeconomic issues.
His community advocacy work includes being the Founding Chair of the Brothers Round Table Memphis Chapter, Founder and Executive Director of RESPECT The Haven Community Development Corporation, and Advisory Council Member for the Greater Whitehaven Economic Redevelopment Corporation.
He received his B.A. in Political Science from Jackson State University and his M.P.A. in Public Administration from Tennessee State University. He plans to pursue a PH. D in Urban Affairs at the University of Memphis. He is also a graduate of the Shelby County Voter Alliance Academy 2021 Inaugural Cohort, the Memphis Academy of Civic Engagement 2021 Inaugural Cohort and 2022 Leaders of Color Memphis Cohort. He’s also a New Memphis Fellows nominee.
RESPECT The Haven Community Development Corporation was recently awarded the 2023 Community Excellence Award for Excellence in Service to the Whitehaven Community by the Greater Whitehaven Economic Redevelopment Corporation voted on by the Whitehaven Community.
On April 1, 2024 Jason Sharif officially announced his run for the Memphis-Shelby County Schools Board District 7 seat. The same seat he went for appointment for in October 2022.

Jason Sharif In Action
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